An effect as a scene object

An effect is a scene object that you can select in the Outline view:

Effects in the Outline view.

You can select the FX object and delete it, copy/paste it, change its rendering order, or tweak its properties.

The Variable properties are also valid for the FX objects. You can assign the FX to a variable or a field, and use it for implementing custom actions.

Let’s say you want to tween the intensity of the shadow FX. You can assign the FX to a field by setting the variable scope to CLASS:

Set class scope to FX.

Then the scene compiler generates a variable and field for the FX object:

editorCreate() {
    // shadowFx
    const shadowFx = logo.preFX!.addShadow(0, 0, 0.1, 1, 0, 6, 1);
    this.shadowFx = shadowFx;

private shadowFx!: Phaser.FX.Shadow;

Then, in the create method, you can tween the intensity of the shadow FX:

create() {
        targets: this.shadowFx,
        intensity: 1,

Not only you can assign an FX to a variable, but you can also make a nested prefab with it. This way, you can reuse the FX in different scenes.