Preview active scene

The Scene Editor runs a Phaser scene inside it, which means, it shows you a pixel-perfect image of the scene you are creating. But sometimes you want to see the scene in action, with the physics, the inputs, the animations. For this purpose there is a trick: the Preview Scene (Ctrl+0) command.

This command opens your game in the default (or configured) browser but adds the start parameter to the URL, and sets the name of the current scene as value. If the current scene is a prefab, then it uses the last valid scene.

For example, if you are editing the LevelCompleted scene, and you run the Preview Scene command, the editor launches the browser and opens the URL:


Now, in the code of your game, you have to read the value of the start parameter and start the scene with the same name. This is something you have to code manually, however, the built-in Phaser Editor 2D project templates contain the code for reading the start parameter. It looks like this:

if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") {

    const start = new URLSearchParams("start");

    if (start) {

        console.log(`Development: jump to ${start}`);

The process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" expression is replaced by webpack at compile time, by true or false in regarding you are working on a development or production build.

You can place that code in the Preloader scene or any other scene after setting up a consistent game state.