
The Phaser Editor 2D Workbench and Phaser development tools are based on plugins.

There are two groups of plugins, built-in and user plugins. The built-in plugins are provided by the editor’s installation. You can install user plugins in your game project or globally.

You can search for user plugins in the Plugins section of the marketplace.

Built-in plugins

The editor’s built-in plugins are included in the installation of the editor. These plugins contain the whole workbench and Phaser development tools. You never need to “touch” these plugins, unless you want to run a different version of the editor. For example, if you want to try an in-development version of the editor, you can use the -editor flag for setting the path to another implementation of the editor, including the new plugins.

$ PhaserEditor2D -project "/path/to/project" -editor "path/to/another/editor"

Global plugins

You can install plugins globally for all installations of the editor. Just place the plugins in the <user-home>/.phasereditor2d/plugins folder.

Project’s plugins

You can provision plugins only for your project. The way is to specify the plugins folders in the project configuration file phasereditor2d.config.json:

    "plugins": ["./my-fonts-plugins", "./my-gameobjects-plugins"]

All paths are relative to the project’s location.

Project’s NPM packages

You can install plugins via NPM packages.

When you start Phaser Editor 2D Core in a project, it looks for all node modules installed in the devDependencies section of the package.json file and loads the plugins wrapped by the packages.

For example, you can install the phasereditor2d-ninepatch-plugin this way:

$ npm install phasereditor2d-ninepatch-plugin --save-dev

We recommend installing third-party plugins this way.

Extra plugins

You can use the -plugins flag of Phaser Editor 2D Core for loading extra plugins:

$ PhaserEditor2D -plugins "/demo/plugins;/some/extra/plugins" -project .

The argument of the -plugins flag is a string with the absolute paths of the extra plugins, separated by a semicolon ;.